Text of the Artwork
Sabor A Mi
Tanto tiempo desfrutamos de este amor
Nuestras almas se acercaron tanto así
Que yo guardo tu sabor
Pero tu llevas también sabor a mí
Si negaras mi presencia en tu vivir
Bastaría con abrazar-te y conversar
Tanta vida yo te di
Que por fuerza tienes ya sabor a mí
No pretendo ser tu dueño
No soy nada, yo no tengo vanidad
De mi vida doy lo bueno
Soy tan pobre, que otra cosa puedo dar?
Pasaran mas de mil años, muchos mas
Yo no sé si tenga amor la eternidad
Pero allá, tal como aquí
En la boca llevaras sabor a mi
Artist’s Statement
“Dedicated to You… The Zodiac”
This series of cover songs and music videos are inspired by the Art Laboe Connection, an LA-based radio show that gave people the opportunity to call in and dedicate an oldie but goodie to family, friends and distant lovers. These dedications told stories of apologies, longing and joy.
I spent the majority of my childhood barbecuing on Sundays, listening to “The Dedication Hour” on 92.3 The Beat and wondering what became of all those who called in. As my love and passion for astrology grew, I began relating the astrological archetypes to the songs and stories I heard in the oldies. ‘Two Lovers” - A Gemini! “ Just my Imagination- a Pisces!”, etc. Blending my love for oldies and astrology birthed this series.
I decided to dedicate an appropriate oldie to each of the 12 signs. For Praxioscope I shared “Sad Girl '', the music video for Cancer sign, a Cardinal water sign that can be empowered by their emotions. Though they cry, they are strong. I also performed the dedication to Libra, “Sabor a mi.” Being one of the more Venusian and romantic signs, Libras tend to be lovers you won't forget. This homage transcends beyond my love of oldies and the Zodiac. It is a representation of mi cultural.
As a native Angelena, Chicana, from East Los, my creativity is a reflection of where I come from, where I’m going, and where my passions lie. Anytime I need reminding, I just simply have to look up at the night sky.
About the Artist
Moon Chola conducts weekly tarot readings, live readings and astrology updates via Patreon and sneak peaks on Instagram Live! She has been studying astrology for 15+ years and loves to integrate her knowledge into all of her content!
Her production company, Chola Vision, is working through the process of shooting and releasing original music videos for all the signs of the Zodiac for the last few years.
Check out her live performance of the song “Sabor a Mi”, referencing Libra in an upcoming episode released later in our Signs of the Zodiac podcasts.
Follow her to get access to astro updates, personal readings, and early bird notice on any releases on instagram @moon_chola & YouTube : Moon Chola
Curator’s Note
This poem was originally performed live for Praxinoscope: Signs of the Zodiac at 1642 Bar, Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles California on June 12, 2022.
PeformX Documents No. 2 containing printed documentation of texts drawn from this performance will be available for purchase September 2022.
Note: PerformX Documents are Free for Subscribers!
Production Notes
This podcast and performance series is hosted by Derek Denckla. Sound was produced by John Dawson, Magnetic South Studios, ind him @magneticsouthrecordings and listen to his other projects at magneticsouth.bandcamp.com.
Our theme music “Alien Desert” was composed by Cato Gilmour @cato_gilmour. Still images are the work of Derek Denckla, except where otherwise noted.
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